Kimblyn Persaud (原文)
Eva Guo (翻译/编辑)
恭喜!(蒙哥马利郡)选举委员会已正式通知我们,Nine Districts for MoCo (9D)已获得认证,收集了超过10,000个必要签名,并将以问题D出现在今年大选的选票上。
在8月4日,即我们递交请愿书的第二天,蒙哥马利郡议会暂停了其议事规则,并对我们采取了反击行动。郡议会拒绝了章程审查委员会关于不采取任何行动并且不对其提案进行公开听证的建议, 决定在选票上提出一个替代解决方案。他们的公投将郡议会扩大到11个成员,仍然维持或保留4个at-large席位。郡议会再次展示了他们与人民的脱节。
蒙哥马利郡正在经历历史上最严重的经济危机; 企业关了门,迁离迫在眉睫,人们失去了工作;有史以来第一次, 郡政府申请了信贷额度。然而,尽管如此,郡议会仍然提议增加两个区议会席位,其中将包括八名工作人员,并且需要翻新办公空间。
受够了!蒙哥马利郡需要一个负责任的,值得我们信赖的郡议会,而不是要人民为之付出更多的大政府。九区 (Nine Districts for MoCo)正是我们改变这一现状的机会!
您今天的捐款将帮助我们通过广告和插牌子的方式,接触到全郡选民。我们需要您的帮助, 请点击下面的链接今天就捐款,最低只要$9或您负担得起的任何金额, https://secure.anedot.com/nine-districts-for-moco/donate
让我们一起通过投票给问题D(Nine Districts for MoCo)而反对C(郡议会提案),以期我们可以在蒙哥马利郡获得公平的(郡议员)代表权。
Kimblyn Persaud
Chair, Nine Districts for MoCo
Dear Friend,
Congratulations! We have been officially notified by the Board of Elections that Nine Districts for MoCo has been certified with more than the necessary 10,000 signatures, and will be
Question D on the General Election ballot.
None of this would have happened without your support, but it’s not over!
On August 4th, just one day after we delivered our petitions, the Montgomery County Council suspended their rules of procedure and took counter action against us. Rejecting the Charter Review Commission’s recommendation for no action and without holding a public hearing on their proposal, the Council decided to place an alternative question on the ballot. Their referendum expands the Council to 11 members, maintaining the 4 at-large Council seats. The Council once again, is demonstrating their disconnect from the people.
Montgomery County is experiencing the worst economic crisis in history; businesses have closed their doors, evictions are looming, people have lost their jobs; and for the first time, the county government has applied for a line of credit. Yet, despite all that, the council still proposed the addition of two more District Council seats, which will include eight staff members and a need to renovate office space..
Enough is enough! Montgomery County needs a more responsive County Council that we can hold accountable, not more Government that we will have to pay for. Nine Districts is our opportunity to change this!
With a donation today, your contribution will help us reach voters throughout the county with advertising, and yard signs. We need your help? Click the link below to donate today, as little as $9 or whatever you can afford at https://secure.anedot.com/nine-districts-for-moco/donate,
Together by voting for Question D…Nine Districts and Against C… for County Council, we can have equitable representation in Montgomery County.
Kimblyn Persaud
Chair, Nine Districts for MoCo