

来源:未知 阅读: 2021-11-13 03:17 我要评论


在知名基因治疗企业AAVnerGene公司的大力支持下,大华府浙江大学校友会“求是论坛”第11期将于美东时间2021年11月13日,周六晚7:30举行。本讲座面向社会公众,请帮忙转发给有需要的学生学者及相关人士,详情可见 http://zuaadc.org 。


时间:美国东部时间2021年11月13日 7:30-9:30 pm (ET)

ZOOM ID:535 702 3566;Passcode:Zuaadc
LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5357023566?pwd=YU9Jckl3RUJmS1Nvb3A3VmVzenlBdz09


Guifang Lao, M.D.,Ph.D
Health Scientist Administrator/Program Officer, NIDA/NIH
§ Dr. Lao is responsible for developing innovative research programs of HIV clinical research, justice system and training clinical research. Dr. Lao received an MD and MS in Biochemistry from China, a Ph.D. in Microbiology/Biochemistry from Cornell University, and postdoctoral training at NINDS/NIH. She also worked in biotech and pharmaceutical companies and in the Department of Radiology at the NIH Clinical Center. Over the past 25+ years, her research interests have been in the areas of clinical medicine, clinical molecular biology, immunology, neuroscience, protein chemistry, and non-invasive techniques of assessing medical consequences. She has several publications in Neuron, Neuroscience, Molecular and Cell Biology, Biochemistry, and Medicine.
Wei Li, Ph.D
Senior Investigator, NEI/NIH
Dr. Li received his medical degree in 1997 from Zhejiang University School of Medicine in China and his Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 2003 from the University of Texas at Houston where he studied the organization of reciprocal feedback synapse at the axon terminal of the retinal bipolar cell in Dr. Stephen Massey's laboratory. From 2003 to 2007, as a postdoctoral fellow, he worked with Dr. Steven DeVries at Northwestern University where he investigated synaptic connections between photoreceptors and bipolar neurons in a mammalian retina. Dr. Li joined NEI as the principal investigator of the Unit on Retinal Neurophysiology in 2007. His unit uses a variety of physiological and anatomical techniques to explore retinal synapses and circuits and their functions in vision



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