庆祝北美葫芦丝巴乌学会成立5周年 - 《东方之春》文化艺术系列
美国马里兰殿堂访客中心 DC Temple Visitor Center
美国华盛顿的五月阳光明媚,春风和煦、百花吐艳。这是一个美丽的季节,也是美国每年庆祝“亚裔传统月“的重要节日! 华盛顿中国音乐家协会 – 与北美葫芦丝巴乌学会和华盛顿中国民族乐团共同于6月10日晚6:30在马里兰殿堂访客中心 DC Temple Visitor Center主办一场《竹之韵》民族音乐会("Sounds of the Bamboo Wind" Folk Music Concert)。届时,晋玲中国舞蹈学校(艺术指导晋玲)、新星合唱团(指挥余佳慧)等音协所属表演团队也将加盟音乐会演出。
此次音乐会是为庆祝北美葫芦丝巴乌学会成立5周年 ,同时也是大华盛顿《东方之春》文化艺术系列活动之一。一年一度的《东方之春》作为音协的文化明星品牌,已享誉数十年之久,她俨然成为主流社区美国亚太裔民俗节Asian-Pacific American Heritage Cultural Festival的一部分,民族的文化也是世界的文化。
· 美国华盛顿地区同乡会联合会(CCCAA)301-792-8881 (沈),202-271-2310(余)
· 阳光集团(WorldShine Group)301-250-3555
· 哈维华人文化中心(HCCCC)443-583-9796
学会成立以来,在开展葫芦丝教学及表演等方面作了很大的努力,多位会员在华星艺术学校、希望中文学校、哈维中文学校等多个教学点开班教授葫芦丝,组织和参加了不同形式的演出,举办音乐沙龙等活动, 即使在疫情期间,学会也克服困难组织排演练了新曲目,参加了各种线上线下的演出。在葫芦丝音乐创作方面既有改编的独奏重奏曲目也有新创作的曲目,如唐渡先生创作的葫芦丝三重奏协奏曲 “春语” 和 “九儿”, 演出效果极佳,深受观众好评,其中“春语”还与中国葫芦丝巴乌专业委员会进行了交流。
在这次音乐会上学会和民乐团将以传统竹管器乐演奏为主,如葫芦丝、巴乌、笛、箫、笙,及埙和陶笛等,展示东方丰富的音乐文化。首先是葫芦丝,又称“葫芦箫”,是云南少数民族乐器。葫芦丝的起源可追溯到先秦时期。 葫芦丝发源于德宏傣族景颇族自治州梁河县,主要流行于傣、阿昌、佤、德昂和布朗等族聚居的云南德宏、临沧地区,富有浓郁的地方色彩。常用于吹奏山歌、农曲等民间曲调。葫芦丝可分为高、中、低音三种类型。其音色独特淳朴,外观朴实、精致,简单易学,受到许多音乐爱好者的喜爱。巴乌,簧管乐器,也叫“把乌”,流行于云南彝、苗、哈尼等民族中。哈尼族称“各比”,彝族称“比鲁”或“乌勒”,侗族称“拜”,常用于独奏或为舞蹈和说唱伴奏。巴乌的品种较多,在哈尼族,有单管、双管之分,由于竹管长短、粗细的不同,还有高音、中音和低音巴乌之分。
晚会的音乐元素来自中华各民族:汉、苗、彝、傣、白、侗、瑶、壮、回、蒙、藏、哈尼、塔吉克、克尔克孜 … 既有经典曲目,又有自己创新的作品。节目形式有声有色、多姿多彩,有独奏、二重奏、三重奏、合奏;还有民族舞蹈、民歌等。
音乐会分为两个部分:(一)浓浓竹丝情 ("Deep Sentiment like Bamboo Silk");(二)源源春江水 (" Flowing Springs and Rivers ")。开始先以竹管合奏《拉木歌》(瑶族)拉开序幕,接下来各种精彩的节目按照不同的民族特点一一向观众展示。除了传统民族乐器,还将有与西方小提琴、大提琴、木管、铜管、钢琴、手风琴、木琴、爵士鼓等乐器的组合表演。最后压轴是中西混合乐队与合唱加之伴舞 - 根据电影《刘三姐》(壮族)改编的选段 “山歌好比春江水 “。
地址: Washington DC Temple Visitor Center, 9900 Stoneybrook Dr., Kensington, MD 20895
联系电话:Tel.: 301-587-0144
“Sounds of the Bamboo Wind” Folk Music Concert
庆祝北美葫芦丝巴乌学会成立5周年 - 《东方之春》文化艺术系列
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Cultural Festival - “Spring of the East” Cultural Arts Series
The Chinese Music Society of Greater Washington (CMSGW), in collaboration with the Hulusi Association of Northern America (HANA) and the Washington Chinese Traditional Orchestra (WCTO), will host the "Sounds of the Bamboo Wind" Folk Music Concert at the DC Temple Visitor Center in Maryland on June 10th at 6:30 p.m. Several affiliated associations including the Jin Ling Chinese Dance School (JLCDS) and the New Star Chorus (NSC), will also jointly perform at the concert.
This concert celebrates the 5th anniversary of HANA and is part of the Greater Washington "Spring of the East" Cultural Arts Series. The annual "Spring of the East" series, a cultural flagship brand of the CMSGW, has been renowned for decades and has become an integral part of the mainstream community's Asian-Pacific American Cultural Heritage Festival, showcasing the cultural heritages of different ethnicities to the world.
The concert also includes the following co-organizations:
· Council of Chinese American Association (CCCAA) at 301-792-8881 (Shen) and 202-271-2310 (Yu)
· World Shine Group (WSG) at 301-250-3555
· Howard County Chinese Cultural Center (HCCCC) at 443-583-9796
HANA: Established in 2018, the association is a non-political and non-profit organization affiliated with CMSGW. Its mission is to promote the learning and popularization of hulusi and bawu playing in the United States and Northern America, to improve the techniques and skills, and to create and adapt hulusi and bawu music, and introduce traditional Chinese folk music to the community through various forms of performances.
The association has built a connection with the Chinese Professional Committee of Hulusi and Bawu and has engaged several artists as artistic advisors, including Professor He Weiqing, the President of the Chinese Professional Committee of Hulusi and Bawu, renowned composer Yan Tieming, young performers Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege from the China National Traditional Orchestra, and Mr. He Yuan, the principal sheng (bamboo pipe organ) player of the China Broadcasting Art Troupe.
Since its establishment, HANA has made significant efforts in hulusi teaching and performances. Several members have taught hulusi classes at various educational institutions, including NOVA Art School, Hope Chinese schools and Howard County Chinese School. They have organized and participated in a variety of performances, music salons, and even during the pandemic, the association overcame challenges to rehearse new repertoire and participated in online and offline performances. HANA has also composed and arranged a variety of hulusi music, including solo and ensemble pieces. The performances of the hulusi ensemble "Dialogue of Springtime" and the hulusi trio concerto "Jiu Er," both by Mr. Duke Tang, have received excellent feedback from the audience. The piece "Dialogue of Springtime" has been shared with the Chinese Professional Committee of Hulusi and Bawu.
The concert has two segments: (1) "Deep Sentiment like Bamboo Silk" and (2) "Flowing Springs and Rivers."
(1) "Deep Sentiment like Bamboo Silk” - This part of the concert will feature performances that evoke a deep sentiment like the delicate and graceful nature of bamboo silk. The artists will showcase the beauty and intricacy of traditional bamboo wind instruments, such as hulusi, bawu, dizi, xiao, sheng, as well as other traditional instruments like xun, and ocarina. The program will highlight the unique musical culture of various ethnic groups. The ensemble will perform the opening piece "Lamu" (Yao ethnic group) to captivate the audience with its enchanting melodies.
(2) "Flowing Springs and Rivers" - The second part of the concert, "Flowing Springs and Rivers," will present a fusion of Chinese and Western elements. The performance will combine traditional Chinese instruments with Western instruments such as violin, cello, woodwinds, brass, piano, accordion, xylophone, and jazz drums. The artists will collaborate together to create a harmonious blend of music, representing the meeting of different cultural currents. The remarkable piece will be the finale - a selection adapted from the movie "Liu Sanjie" (Zhuang ethnic group) called "Mountain Songs Are Like Flowing Spring River" performed by a Chinese and Western orchestra ensemble, choir, and dance ensemble.
Artistic Director: Duke Tang; Planning/Directing Team: Yufeng Zhu, Quanxing Xia, Huilan Chen, Xiufa Zhang, Jingya Liu, Xuezhang Hou, Decheng Wang, Ling Jin, Lun Chen; Hosts: Chao Liu, Danyi Ma
Currently, the performance teams affiliated with the association, such as the HANA, the WCTO, the JLCDS, and the NSC, are actively preparing for this unprecedented music and art event showcasing diverse ethnic cultures. Everyone is welcome to attend this free concert.
Venue: Washington DC Temple Visitor Center, 9900 Stoneybrook Dr. Kensington MD 20895 Tel.: 301-587-0144
(Provided by the Chinese Music Society of Greater Washington)
Media Contact:
Global Dragon TV
Email: Globaldragontv@gmail.com
Website: http://www.GlobalDragonTV.com
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