1. Harvard (339 graduates, enrollment of 6649, 5.10% of its enrollment)
2. Yale (209, 5409, 3.86%)
3. Amherst (33, 1623, 2.03%)
4. Princeton (97, 4906, 1.98%)
5. Stanford (125, 6576, 1.90%)
6. Williams (33, 2017, 1.64%)
7. Dartmouth (59, 4110, 1.44%)
8. Swarthmore (18, 1479, 1.22%)
9. Brown (66, 6176, 1.07%)
10. Duke (65, 6534, 0.99%)
11. Columbia (69, 7319, 0.94%)
12. U Penn (71, 9841, 0.72%)
13. Pomona (11, 1533, 0.72%)
14. Georgetown (45, 6719, 0.67%)
15. Rice (21, 3185, 0.66%)
16. U Virginia (69, 14213, 0.49%)
17. Wesleyan (13, 2764, 0.47%)
18. Brandeis (15, 3267, 0.46%)
19. Middlebury (11, 2455, 0.45%)
20. U Chicago (21, 4671, 0.45%)
21. Cornell (59, 13,515, 0.44%)
22. MIT (17, 4066, 0.42%)
23. Notre Dame (35, 8275, 0.42%)
24. Wellesley (9, 2331, 0.39%)
25. Northwestern (30, 8023, 0.37%)
26. Emory (23, 6510, 0.35%)
27. W&M (20, 5594, 0.36%)
28. Bowdoin (6, 1666, 0.36%)
29. Carleton (7, 1959, 0.36%)
30. Vanderbilt (20, 6400, 0.31%)
31. UC Berkeley (68, 23482, 0.29%)
32. Haverford (3, 1168, 0.26%)
33. Tufts (12, 5078, 0.24%)
34. Caltech (2, 913, 0.22%)
35. UCLA (50, 24811, 0.20%)
36. Wash U (14, 7466, 0.19%)
37. Davidson (3, 1683, 0.18%)
38. U North Carolina (26, 16764, 0.16%)
39. Wake Forest (6, 4263, 0.14%)
40. NYU (26, 20,566, 0.13%)
41. Brigham Young (41, 30,798, 0.13%)
42. Vassar (3, 2378, 0.13%)
43. Boston College (11, 9019, 0.12%)
44. U Michigan (30, 25467, 0.12%)
45. USC (20, 16897, 0.12%)
46. Carnegie Mellon (7, 5623, 0.12%)
47. Johns Hopkins (6, 5678, 0.11%)
48. U Texas (36, 36878, 0.10%)
49. U Washington (15, 27488, 0.05%)
50. Lehigh (2, 4679, 0.04%)
51. U Rochester (2, 4696, 0.04%)
52. U Wisconsin (9, 30106, 0.03%)