Ø 服务人员应自动介绍产品性能。
Sales representatives should make an active effort to explain the product performance.
Ø 如遇紧急情况,乘务人员应自动返回车组。
In emergency circumstances, crew members should return to the train on their own initiative.
Ø 年满 18 岁的公民自动注册成为选民。
Citizens aged 18 are automatically registered to vote.
Ø 你要自动向警方坦白交待。
You should confess everything to the police on your own accord.
Ø 他自动选择到一个边远的山区小学教书。
He volunteered to teach elementary school in a remote mountainous area.
Ø 耳朵发炎不必吃抗生素,炎症自动会好。
No antibiotics are needed for ear infections; they can get better on their own.
Ø 我儿子每次见到长胡子的,就自动喊爷爷。
Every time my son meets a man with a beard, he would automatically address him grandpa.
注意以下两个“自动”!它们不是 automatic,也不是 automated。
ü 自动笔
Mechanical pen
ü 自动驾驶汽车
Autonomous vehicle
总结:summarize; review; analyze
中文“总结”是说两件事:一,汇总、概括;也就是将零零散散、洋洋洒洒的资料系统地收集起来,相当于英文的 summarize 或 sum up。二,分析、审查;也就是看看哪些做对了,哪些需要改进,为以后作参考,相当于英文的 review 或 evaluate 或analyze。
“总结”的第一层意思好翻译,用 summarize 或 sum up 就行;第二层意思难翻,因为它难判断,要依据上下文。而最难翻的是“总结经验”这四个字。
先说说第一个。把“总结经验”翻译成 summarize the experience 或 sum up the experience。英文的意思是:把很多经验概括归纳起来。这应该是“汇总现有经验”的意思。但是,这个译法牵强,意思也牵强。
这就是“总结经验”的第二个意思:找出经验。这就不能再用 summarize the experience 或 sum up the experience 翻译。它不是概括归纳已有的经验,而是看看做过的事情,哪些做得好,哪些没做好,找出原因,为以后参考借鉴。
这层意思的“总结经验”是说两件事:一,回顾、分析做过的事情(总结),看看有什么以后可以借鉴的东西(经验)。其中的“总结”应该翻译成 review、analyze、examine、scrutinize、evaluate 等表达分析研究的词。二,找出可以借鉴的东西(经验)。
朱镕基总理做的 2000 年《政府工作报告》中有三处用“总结经验”:
1. 要总结实践经验,进一步完善粮食流通体制改革的政策和措施。
We should review our experience in this field and improve our policies and measures for the reform of the grain distribution system.
2. 这项工作先在东部沿海地区和具备条件的城市进行试点,总结经验后稳步推开。
This work will begin on a trial basis in our eastern coastal areas and in cities with the necessary conditions. After the results of these trials are analyzed, the new practice will be gradually introduced to other areas.
3. 要在总结安徽省试点经验的基础上,加快改革步伐。
Reform needs to be accelerated with a review of the experience gained from pilot projects in Anhui Province.
三个“总结”都翻成 review。
1. 必须既善于总结成功的经验,又善于记取失误的教训。
We must be good at both reviewing our useful experience and learning lessons from our mistakes.
2. 要坚持从我国国情出发,总结自己的实践经验。
We must always proceed from our national conditions, review our experience gained in practice.
3. 总结实践的新经验。
Sum up new experience from practice.
三个“总结”:两个 review,一个 sum up
1. 认真总结我国发展实践,准确把握我国发展的阶段性特征。
On the basis of reviewing China's development practices, we gained a good understanding of the essential features of its development in the current stage.
2. 总结十年奋斗历程,最重要的就是我们……形成和贯彻了科学发展观。
The most important achievement in our endeavors in the past ten years is that we have formed the Scientific Outlook on Development and put it into practice …
两个“总结”:一个 review;一个索性绕着说 in our endeavors in the past ten years。
这三个文件中,表达“总结经验”时,用了不同的翻译:review; analyze; sum up。最后一个索性另翻。相信是各取所需。
Ø 我把刚才说的总结一下。
Let me sum up what I have just said.
Ø 本部门的年度工作总结报告列举了对过去一年工作的评估。
The department’s Annual Performance Review Report presents a detailed evaluation of the performance of past year.
(如果翻成 Annual Performance Summary Report,意思是:列举了年度工作。只是列举,没有分析审查的成分。这个“总结”是分析的意思,还因为这句话最后有“评估”二字。)
Ø 今年的工作总结要在年底完成。
This year’s performance review must be completed by the end of the year.
(按照逻辑,“工作总结”应该是“审查工作”,因此,应该是 evaluation 或 review,而不是 summarize 或 sum up。Evaluate 是说“做得好坏”,也是“总结工作”的本意;summarize 是说“做了什么、归纳一下”,不是“总结工作”的本意。)
Ø 我们要认真总结一下我们失败的原因。
1. We ought to make detailed review of why we failed.
(用 summarize 只有列举失败之处,没有 review 表达的分析失败原因的成分。)
Ø 救灾工作结束后,我们要总结一下,以利今后做得更好。
After the relief operation is over, we should make a review so that we can do better moving forward.
Ø 在总结表彰大会上,我们团队获得“最佳顾客满意奖”。
At the performance review and recognition meeting, our team received the Best Customer Service Team award.

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