为什么会有这样的误译呢?大概是,“注意”和 pay attention 是个现成的字面搭配。这就容易让译者陷入“现成搭配”的操作模式,没再去想pay attention 不能完全表达“努力做好某件事”这层意思。结果就可想而知了。
所以,do well to 说的是:您最好怎么做;而本节要说的“做好”说的是:做完该做的事。意思不一样
其次,do well in 和 do a good job of 也不能表达“做好”的意思。这两个英文翻译是说,在某件事上做得出色、成功了。是描述好坏程度。相当于中文的“做得好”、“做出成绩”。不是“做好”。
常见的 do well in 和 do a good job of 句子有:
ü I am sure he will do well in the test.
ü She did well in school.
ü You did so well!
ü You did a good job explaining the whole thing!
ü Your parents did a good job raising you guys.
看到了吧。中文的“做好”和上面的英文翻译 do well in 和 do a good job of,各说各的,不在一个频道上。
那么,为什么“做好”还会被翻成 do well to 或 do well in 或 do a good job of 呢?能想到的解释大概是,中文和英文这两组词,字面太像了!
ü 各部门要做好本职工作。
All departments should do their job.
ü 做好你的本职工作。
Do your job.
ü 做好疏散工作。
Ensure effective evacuation; evacuate everybody.
ü 做好自我保护。
Protect yourself.
ü 先把你自己的事做好。
Take care of your own business first.
ü 做好她的工作。
Persuade her.
Ø 政府号召有关部门帮助灾区做好灾后的重建工作。
The government calls on relevant agencies to help the disaster-hit areas with their reconstruction efforts.
(如果翻成 do well in helping 或 do a good job helping …,意思就成了:有关部门要做得多么成功、多么有成效。其实,原文本意很简单:有关部门要尽职尽责。)
Ø 做好今年的人口普查,关键在不要放过边远地区的每家每户。
The key to a good census job for this year is visiting every household in remote areas.
(如果翻成 do well in conducting census 或 do a good job conducting census …,意思就成了:有关部门在人口普查方面,要做得出色。其实,原文本意说:尽职尽责。)
Ø 后勤部门要做好部队出发前的准备工作。
The logistics department should get everything ready before the troops set out.
Ø 评委要在两个小时内做好考生资格复审工作。
Judges should complete candidate qualification reviews within two hours.
Ø 教委要求务必在八月做好问卷的审查工作。
The Education Commission requires that review of questionnaires be completed in August.
最后,画龙点睛。李克强总理 2016 年政府工作报告有 10 处“做好”句子, 2017 年政府工作报告有 12 处“做好”句子。 新华社英文译稿,无一处用 do well to 或 do well in 或 do a good job of。
2016 年政府工作报告:
ü 尽心竭力做好政府工作,决不辜负人民重托。
We must do our utmost to deliver a strong performance in our work and never fail to live up to the great trust the people have placed in us.
ü 今年要重点做好八个方面工作。
This year, we will carry out the following eight tasks.
ü 切实做好退役军人安置和就业创业服务工作。
We will see that demobilized military personnel are settled into new jobs or have good access to employment and business startup services.
ü 做好北京冬奥会和冬残奥会筹办工作,倡导全民健身新时尚。
We will make thorough preparations for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. We will encourage new trends in popular fitness activities.
ü 做好基层基础工作,推进城乡社区建设。
We will make sure foundational work and work at the community level is carried out to proper effect.
ü 做好地震、测绘、地质等工作。
Deliver a good performance in seismology, surveying, mapping, and geology.
ü 扎实做好重点人群、重点地区就业工作。
Carried out solid work on increasing employment for key target groups and priority regions.
ü 我们要做好应对更加复杂严峻局面的充分准备。
We are ready to face more complicated and graver situations.
ü 做好健康促进,...
In promoting better health, …
ü 切实做好退役军人安置工作。
See that demobilized military personnel are settled into new jobs.
稿 终
有意购买书的读者请联系作者:温 洋
书名:中译英那些事 – 您的英文外国人懂吗?(天津科技翻译出版社, 2017)
价格:$15 (包括邮费)
作者:温 洋
作者曾任乔治城大学,纽约大学 (NYU) 历史系客座教授;从事翻译、译审、研究工作几十年。专著包括Lost in Translation: Common Errors in Chinese-English Translation (LifeRich Publishing, 2016); 中译英那些事 – 您的英文外国人懂吗?(天津科技翻译出版社, 2017);译著包括 《流浪儿迪克》(The Ragged Dick) (漓江出版社, 1989);编著包括 Chinese for Dummies (John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2005 1st edition, 2013 2nd edition., 2018 3rd edition.)

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