
到底该用哪个英文词?Word Choice Matters

来源:未知 阅读: 2018-09-22 17:58 我要评论

如果“出发点”是说“开始的那个点”或“离开的那个点”,那么,starting point 或 point of departure 倒是挺对的。意思是:起点、开端、终点。 

下面 “出发点”的翻译能帮助读者建立一些语感:
Ø 爸爸所有的出发点都是为儿子好,可是,他的溺爱最终还是把儿子毁了。
With all his good intentions, the father spoiled his son nonetheless, only to ruin him in the end.
Ø 我的出发点是想帮他认识到问题的严重性。
My intention was to help him realize the seriousness of the problem.
Ø 爱的出发点不一定是身体,但爱到了身体就到了顶点。(徐志摩)
Love may not necessarily intend to be physical; but when it does, love would have reached its climax.  
Ø 这一款车以省油为出发点。
The goal of this car is to save gas.
Ø 作者以大象的感情为出发点,连续写出了一系列大象的分类、大象的群体意识、大象的保护等科普读物。
With the intent of writing about elephants’ feelings, the author wrote a series of popular science books about elephant classification, elephant sense of group, and elephant protection, among others.
Ø 培养孩子们强烈的责任心是教育的出发点,也是最终的归属。
1. Installing in our children a great sense of responsibility is what education is all about.
2. The purpose of education is to develop a great sense of responsibility in our children.
3. The ultimate goal of education is to help our children develop a great sense of responsibility.
4. Ensuring that our children acquire a great sense of responsibility is at once the intent and ultimate goal of education.
Ø 我们所做的一切都应以国家利益为出发点。
1. All we are doing must be based on national interest.
2. All we are doing must serve the interest of the nation.
3. All we are doing must revolve around national interest.
4. National interest must dictate what we are doing.

处理process; treat
在信息技术领域,“处理”通常译成 process,如“信息处理”是 information processing;“数据处理”是 data processing;“图像处理”是image processing。
下面 “处理”的翻译能帮助读者建立一些语感:
Ø 图像处理
Image treatment 
(上面说过,“图像处理”用image processing。但是,image processing侧重的是用软件编辑图像,指处理图像本身的信息,如像素、色素、光度、对比;image treatment侧重使用编辑后的图像,如用在广告、用在正式场合、送给个人、存入档案。)
Ø 内部装修前,先要做房屋结构处理。
Before home remodeling, one must treat the house structure first.
Ø 在盖新房子之前,都要做白蚁处理。
All new houses need termite pre-treatment.
Ø 这个污水站每天要处理两万吨家庭污水。
This sewage treatment plant treats 20,000 tons of household wastewater each day.
Ø 知道如何在家处理伤口十分重要。
Knowing how to treat open wound at home is very important.
Ø 为避免裂缝,需要对路面作处理。
Road surface treatment is needed to prevent cracking.

泛泛地讲,上面的“处理”有两个特点:用计算机处理的,一般都用 process,如 information processing、data processing、image processing;不用计算机处理的,一般都用 treat、handle、resolve、solve,等等。
Ø 这个问题如果处理不好,会影响两家的关系。
If this issue is not handled properly, the good terms of the two families will be jeopardized.
Ø 这些苹果处理喽!
These apples are on sale!
Ø 把家里没有用的东西都处理掉。
Get rid of those things we no longer need in the house.
Ø 总裁每天都要处理很多文件。
The president has to handle a large number of documents each day.
Ø 废物处理必须遵守环保政策。
Waste disposal has to follow environmental protection policies.
Ø 我真不知道该怎么处理跟他的关系。
I really don’t know to handle my relationship with him.

错过miss; miss out 
一年秋天,几个中国朋友相约去山上看枫叶。另一个朋友因故没去成。事后发来一封短信,是英文的:I am sorry I missed the trip。
但是,她的 I am sorry I missed the trip没有“可惜错过”的意思。原因就在她用的是missed,而不是 missed out。
ü 我没赶上车:I missed the bus
ü 我没接到球:I missed the ball
ü 他没打着:He missed the punch
ü 你没打着靶:You missed the target
ü 你没见着他们吵架:You missed the fight
再回到那个朋友的短信:I am sorry I missed the trip。她的字面意思应该读成:我没赶上你们。我去时,你们已经走了。
可是她的真实意思是:可惜,我错过了这次好玩的机会。要表达“可惜”,她应该说: I am sorry I missed out on the trip。
对了!别小看 out这个字。没有它,意思全拧。简单的一句:You have missed out a lot! 表达得很多:太可惜了!你没来,错过了好多好玩的!你后悔去吧!
在美国大学校园里,常听高年级的学长对刚入学的新生说:If you don’t party during college, you will miss out a lot。意思是:大学期间,你不去交朋友,参加各种聚会活动,可就亏大了!
就在前不久,笔者还收到 American Express(美国运通卡)发来的一条信息:
Yang, don’t miss out! Get 2X rewards when you Shop Small®  
2X 是“两倍”的意思。Shop Small用大写,并带有注册商标,是指美国运通卡推出的促销活动:支持小商家、小店铺,买他们的产品。这里用的就是 miss out。意思是:千万别错过!(三)



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