
到底该用哪个英文词? Word Choice Matters

来源:未知 阅读: 2018-10-26 12:37 我要评论

In electronic warfare, jammers emit jamming signals to block enemy radar signals.
根据(按照):according to; based on
汉英词典还是一如既往地把 according to 和 based on 都给了“根据”。
也许是出于字眼搭配的习惯,常见把“按照”翻成 according to;把“根据”翻成 based on。估计英文的 base 有“根据地、基地”的翻译,简单联想容易把 based on 和“根据”联在一起。
首先,according to讲的“根据/按照”是指,所根据的信息,明确清楚地表明本意。人们按照这个明确表达的意思,该作什么,就作什么;我朝东走,因为所根据的信息说:朝东走。
其次,based on讲的“根据/按照”是指,所根据的信息,不一定明确地说出意思,人们要根据没明说的信息,做出判断,采取行动;你没明说往东,但我理解你说的是往东走,所以我就朝东走。
换句话说,according to 表达的是:你所根据/按照的依据,是明确告诉你的信息。你不用分析、判断、猜测、琢磨。如果你得到的信息是:她病了,那是因为,她说了这三个字:我病了。
based on 表达的是:你所根据/按照的依据,是你对信息的理解、分析、判断,信息并没明确告诉你如何。如果你得到的信息是:她病了,那是因为你听她说;我不痛快、我不舒服、我感觉异常、我觉得天旋地转。
ü According to you, even a caveman can do it.
ü The table was assembled according to the instructions.
ü Kevin was appointed CEO according to the decision.
(会议决定说:任命 Kevin 为公司 CEO。)
ü Based on your theory, one can say that even a caveman can do it.
ü Kevin was appointed CEO based on the decision.
(董事会决定没说要任命 Kevin 为 CEO,只是说任命一个高学历、在公司工作 30 年、有处理国际争端经验的人。根据这一精神,只有 Kevin 同志符合条件,董事会就任命他了。)
ü We changed our troop deployment plans based on new enemy situations.
可以看出,according to和 based on略有不同。
当然,为了说明问题,它俩的区别被放大了。在语境清楚,不会导致误解的前提下,它们两个可以混用。上面最后一个“敌情”的例子,就可以混用。按照逻辑,敌方不会建议你怎么部署兵力,也就不存在用 according to会是别的意思的顾虑。
Ø 根据董事会指示,Tom 被任命为经理。
1. According to the board of directors’ instructions, Tom is appointed the manager.
(董事会明文指示,任命 Tom 同志为经理。)
2. Based on the board of directors’ instructions, Tom is appointed the manager.
(董事会只是列出标准,人事部门根据这个标准选定 Tom。)
Ø 根据天气预报,明天不便外出野餐。
1. According to the weather forecast, tomorrow is not a good day for a picnic.
2. Based on the weather forecast, tomorrow is not a good day for picnic.
Ø 根据计划,我们派 Jane 到现场。
1. According to the plan, we will send Jane to the site.
(计划中指名道姓说:派 Jane 同志去现场。)
2. Based on the plan, we will send Jane to the site.
(计划中说要派一名懂设计的人去。Jane 是设计师,所以派她去了。)
Ø 我们根据客户的意见,决定周日继续办公。
1. Based on customer feedback, we decided to open on weekends.
2.According to customer feedback, we decided to open on weekends.
咱们换个角度,看看英文句子中,according to 和 based on表达的语境。不翻译,只是品品味道,因为这些句子贴近生活,容易理解:
ü According to the instructions, the doorknob should be put on first.
ü According to the directions, the paint should be applied twice.
ü Discrimination based on race, gender, and religion is unlawful.
ü The movie is based on a true story.
ü Promotion based on job performance is a common practice in the industry.
再看看下列 Collins English Dictionary & Treasures 和 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 两本词典中,according to 句子表达的语境:
ü They both played the game according to the rules.
ü If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening.
ü You’ve been absent six times, according to our record.
ü According to local gossip, Philip and his father haven’t been in touch for years.
ü Prices vary according to the quantity ordered.
ü The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.
读者能通过这些句子的语境,体会到 according to 和 based on的本意。
功能function; functionality
又要破除迷信了。Functionality 不是 function 的正式形式。千万别想用 functionality 引起读者注意。它俩本就不是一家。
Function 说的是做什么工,是“用途”;functionality 说的是能做什么,是“能力”。中文的“功能”用一个“功”、一个“能”,全都包括了;但是,英文得用两个词分着说。 
Ø 这套系统需要定义一个软件功能,也就是该系统能提供的功能及服务。
This system needs to define a software function, namely its functionalities and services.
(第一个“功能”是 function,指这个软件具体做什么;第二个“功能”是 functionality,指这个软件的能力范畴。)
Ø 产品功能介绍
1.Product Functions
2.Product Functionalities
Ø 此项新应用程序有以下功能。
1. This new application has the following functionalities.
2. This new application has the following functions.
Ø 功能齐全
1. A complete set of functions
2. A complete set of functionalities
Ø 用手机搜索功能可以找到目标,因为手机有这个功能。
One can use a cell phone’s “Search” function to find targets, because cell phones have this functionality.
(第一个“功能”是 function,指用途;第二个“功能”是 functionality,指能力。)(八)



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